JN.1 variants update

The SARS_COVID- 2 JN.1 variants have created new variants that are spreading.  Consequently, in the U.S., the JN.1 variant dominates, comprising an estimated 62% of cases as of Jan. 6, according to the latest CDC projections.  This posts updates JN.1 variants that are spreading and developing now.

However, the highly mutated variant’s new spawn are already climbing the charts.   JN.1.4 is a mutant of JN.1.  Currently, JN.1.4 is now number 3 in cases reported variant in the U.S. on Thursday.

What are JN.1 & JN.1.4 symptoms?

The version of the Covid-19 virus behind the latest spike in infections shares many of the same symptoms as earlier variants of Sars-CoV-2 : a sore throat, fatigue, headache and a cough.

Differences in the symptoms often depend on a person’s underlying health and their immune system. But some clinicians are reporting some of the most common first signs of an infection by JN.1  are diarrhea or a headache. Fewer patients are losing their sense of smell with variants closely-related to Omicron, of which JN.1 is a subvariant.

Covid-19 coronavirus binding to human cell, conceptual computer graphic

Evolution of JN.1.4 from JN.1 an update

Starting with the SARS-CoV-2 variant Omicron.  The evolutionary path looks like this:

Omicron ->multiple variants -> XXB -> multiple variants -> BA.2.86 -> JN.1 -> JN1.4

The XXB Vaccine helps but….

Per out article here, the booster vaccination rates are low.  Clinically, we are seeing cases in elder care facilities also have new cases with diarrhea or headaches.  The main reason people are not getting vaccinated is the mixed messages on social media by spam BOTs.

In Europe

Covid-19 cases are starting to rise again as a result of the JN.1 Covid variant, which appeared last September in France. The variant accounts for around 60% of new infections in early January, according to a data tracker from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

In 2024

Going forward many factors influence new infections.  These are as follows:

  • how many times that person has already been infected by the virus
  • vaccination status
  • vaccination-induced immunity declining
  • not taking precautions




